Biafra remains a thorn in the conscience of the international community. Why? because at least 3.5 million Biafran men,women and children were massacred, slaughtered like animals and starved to death for asking for their freedom.Who collaborated in this despicable act? It was Britain, France, the then Soviet Union, the United Nations organisation through their docility in the face of evil and with the tacit support of the USA.
It is very important to note that Nigeria did not defeat Biafra.It was in fact the world powers that connived and supported the murderous Nigerian agents to achieve military conquest against the Biafrans.
However and as can be seen today, the Biafrans were not all wiped out and the surviving generations of the Biafran people have held tenaciously to the ideals, the dreams and the FREEDOM which their forefathers have fought and died for.
It is also instructive to note that 'he who shed blood must pay for it'.It is pay back time for Nigeria. The events in Nigeria for the past decades up until now is both spiritual as well as it is physical.It is called NEMESIS and Nigeria will continue to go from one calamity to the other until it collapses and dismembers. The spirit of innocent Biafrans massacred are simply asking for vengeance.
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